Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Day 17: (1of2) Tuesday May 19th, Painted Dessert/Petrified Forest

Today we entered  Petrified Forest at the Southern entrance and went into the  Museum which had an 18 minute movie that showed how this place was created. Then headed north and hit all the stops we missed the day before. Now that it is light out and not gusting 60 mile an hour winds it is quiet pleasant to walk around out here. Turns out there is a lot to see.

Newspaper rock with all it's petroglyphs, including one of the sun dials for the summer solstice. there is a crack in a rock that shines a sun beam right onto the center of this circular drawing at summer solstice.

Then there is Blue Mesa with it's 3 mile loop walk through the beautiful 'blue mesas' so called for their purple blue coloring. That was one of my favorites.

And the teepees,. They looked like big stripped pyramids :)

Oh and all the beautiful dessert flowers

and the menagerie of wildlife!

It took us nearly 4 hours to make it all the way through the park! And that was with already having stopped at all the Northern sites the day before. Definitely allow a day for this site, it's worth it.

That took us longer than we thought it would, but well worth it. We are still going to stop in Albuquerque since that is the only Camping world en route for awhile that we can get our trailer hitch looked at. 

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