Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 6: May 8

Friday May 8,

Another anxious day as we wait for the new truck to be ready. Assured at 9 am that everything is on track, I make plans for the late afternoon to get a manicure with Carole, my step mom. Daryl and I make plans to do Nothing but soak in the hot tub, maybe swim in the pool, and plan our next couple of days. Then we get a call about 11 am that they cannot find a hard tonnue cover to fit our truck. What??? What happened to 'everything is on track, no problems'??

So while they scramble to find a solution (a cover somewhere in Arizona, or somewhere in Denver) we jump into clothes and go back out looking for another truck, Just in case. We make it to two dealerships looking at a couple of trucks when our dealership calls back and says they can't find anything anywhere, but what they will do is install a retractable hard top for us, no extra charge and we can pick out any one we want. 

So we do (it's maybe $300 or $400 more than the original one they were going to supply, and they say they will have it by 5 pm. 

We stop looking for trucks, we make our reservations for the next week at the various campsites, and Carole (my step mom) and I go get a manicure :) 

When we finally go pick it up at 7 pm they didn't fix the rattling console. Either we leave it there overnight and pick it up at 8 am, or we drop it off at 7 am and wait while they fix it. Grrrrrrr. We opt for leaving it, yet again. But on the plus side, we were near my cousin John and Nanette so we popped in there for one last goodbye visit. Love you guys!!

Tomorrow is another day.


  1. So glad you were stranded where you were. Sounds like fun.

  2. So glad you were stranded where you were. Sounds like fun.

  3. Car/Truck shopping is always an adventure. But family time is always fun.
